About Moose the Photographer



My mother says "I did not name my son Moose" but that is the nickname I acquired long ago; it stuck and now I use it by choice.  If you would like to know the story, ask me sometime, it may cost you a cup of coffee, though.

I started photography to fulfill the art requirement as part of my studies to become a teacher, I enjoyed photography so much I didn’t want to stop so I switched majors and started working for the college paper, which lead to working for several daily papers and a weekly paper as well. In 2006 I left the photojournalism world and joined the world of public relations I became the photographer at Casper College in Casper, Wyoming.

From history’s first draft, to documenting the visual history of higher education, the goal was the same. Tell a story in every photo while make it compelling and attention grabbing. I have learned to appreciate the differences between editorial and educational photography. Although there has been change in the photos I take, the belief behind them has not changed. I want to communicate and tell a story with each photo.

I also believe in communication about the photo. I have found in talking over the photo concept and use with the designer or end-user allows a better product to be delivered.

Photographically I still primarily like to use natural light and people in their usual state of being, this carries over from my photojournalism background, but have no problem taking over a photo session and posing the subjects and using fill flash or colored gels to make a statement.

I thank you for you time in looking at this, I also would be open to answering any questions you may have. Please contact me via the contact link at the top of the page and I will get back to you as soon as possible.



moose@photomoose.net            © Matt Young